Friday, November 12, 2010

relationship not only need a trust but also something that make sense to believe

Friday, October 1, 2010

come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
you don't know how lovely you are
i had to find you, tell you I need you
and tell you I set you apart
tell me your secrets, and nurse me your questions
oh lets go back to the start
running in circles, coming in tails
heads on a science apart

nobody said it was easy
it's such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy
no one ever said it would be this hard
oh take me back to the start........

i was just guessing at numbers and figures
pulling the puzzles apart
questions of science, science and progress
do not speak as loud as my heart
and tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
oh and I rush to the start
running in circles, chasing tails
coming back as we are

nobody said it was easy
oh it's such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy
no one ever said it would be so hard
i'm going back to the start

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kan kalo boys always have a girl that he can’t get. Kalo girls always have a boy that she can’t forget.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"yang aku ingin hanya pengertianmu

tuk sedikit saja pahami maksudku

yang aku ingin hanyalah agar kau mau

sekedar...mengerti aku

aku tak pernah minta

untuk semua waktumu

aku tak pernah minta

kau beri smua yang engkau punya"

abdul - agar kau mengerti

Sunday, June 13, 2010

@iyogie: (Y) RT @dinniasdinggo: Maksud gw yg (-) jgn ditiru, tp kalo kita bs fix it, lebih baik lg :) RT @iyogie: Fix the minus, don't leave it, that's what friends for RT @dinniasdinggo: Get the plus, leave the minus. that's quality of friendship

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

disaat ego mulai bermain
entah kemana logika itu pergi

Friday, February 26, 2010

Surat Untuk Amanda

God, please send this letter to our dearest friend, Amanda Putri


hey manda!

apakabar looooo?????? gila gw kangennya parah bgt ama lo tingkat maksimum stadium akhir haha :D jadi inget kan, tiap abis solat dzuhur lo selalu negor gw buat senyum :) tapi skrg udah gak ada lagi yg kyk gt, dan emang cuma lo yg begitu ehehehe :')

beberapa hari yg lalu gw sempet tiba2 kepikiran lo man, 'manda gimana ya disana?' dan tepat 2 hari yg lalu tiba2 gw mimpiin lo malemnya. di awal mimpi gw agak2 buruk soalnya gw abis maki2 orang gitu, trs abis gw maki2 gw pergi dan disitu gw ngeliat lo pake seragam putih ijo, lo sama temen2 lo (tp gw gk kenal itu siapa aja) lewat disebrang gw sambil ketawa2, ya layaknya abg 'begajulan' di gading hahahah :'D disitu gw mau manggil lo tapi kyk gak berdaya gt man. abis gw liat lo gw peluk saras sambil nangis2 (di mimpi gw ada ayasnya jg) trs udah deh mimpinya selese.

trs jadi kepikiran lo mulu nda, gw kangen bgt ama lo, bkn cuma gw pastinya, tapi 'kita semua'. ya semoga aja mimpi gw pertanda bagus kalo lo baik2 aja disana, lo tenang, lo bahagia :)

yaudah deh, segini aja. mau nangis nih gw hahahaha :')
take care ya nda... god bless you :)

i (we) love you, amanda putri :)


Thanks, God..

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

"Happiness is when you feel like your life is such a great time to spend, beautiful way to go, wonderful place to stay, with NO ENVY to the people around you. Happiness is enjoying your lifetime :)"
-dinni as dinggo

"You got karma, i got trauma" -dinni as dinggo

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

India had good lyrics

menelaah lagu2 India Arie, banyak lirik yg bagus loh.. cekidot deh!

"i had found that the art of simplicity
simply means making peace of your complexity"

"i've searched for romance, flower and affection
what i found is a lesson, of what love really is

found the game of love is
not about how much you can take
in fact authentic love is about
how much you can give"

-Wings of Forgiveness

"the more i know, the less i understand
all the things i thought i knew, i'm learning them again"

"all the people in your life who've come and gone
they let you dowm, you know
they hurt your pride
better put it all behind you, cause life goes on
you keep carrin' that anger, it'll eat you up inside"

-The Heart of The Matter

"clear your mind, now's the time
put your salt on the shelf
go on and love yourself
cause everything's gonna be alright"

"I'm not the average girl from your video
and i ain't built like a supermode;
but, i learned to love myself unconditionally
because i'm a queen
i'm not the average girl from your video
my worth is not determined by the price of my clothes
no matter what i'm wearing i will always be the india arie"


"you must take the good with the bad, and you might hit the wall
sometimes you'll fly and sometimes you'll fall
there isn't any way, to avoid the pain
but it's getting burned, that's how you will learn
to come back to the middle"

-Back to The Middle

"i put myself in so many chaotic circumstances, but by the grace of God i've been given so many second chances"

-I Choose

"cause you're beautiful like a flower
more valuable than a diamond
you are powerful like a fire
you can heal the world with you mind, yeah
there is nothing in the world that you cannot do
when you believe in you"

-Beautiful Flower

you're so cooooolllll, India!

so i made this one :D